Nashville and I

Most of these pictures are older and definitely not flattering.  Lol.  But they represent some awesome memories and times I had in Nashville so i wanted to share them anyways.


Rick Pino and I at the Sons of Thunder conference.  I was invited to play that night for one of the groups playing after Rick.  But the way the Spirit moved that night there ended up being no time.  So I didn’t play.  BUT WHEN THE SPIRIT IS MOVING WHO CARES!  God rocked my face off that night.  We actually spontaneously took the entire conference outside to the streets with percussion instruments and marched and worshipped out in the neighborhoods! Like Jericho. ALL UNPLANNED!  What an amazing night.  I think we got the cops called on us, but I’m not sure.

Richie Clark of Radiant Worship and I.  No I’m not making a kissy face, i was in the middle of a sentence.

Me on the altar in the Fortress of Hope in Nashville.  God is so good.

Ricky Skaggs and I in the control room of his studio!  You may not be aware, but that man is an ON FIRE prophet for the Lord.  He prophesied over me and said some very deep and moving things that I am sure I will cherish until the day I go home to be with my lover Jesus.  And he’s one of the most humble and down to earth men I’ve ever met.  This was another amazing day.

One of the rooms in the Skaggs Family Records studio.  Look at all those guitars!  Ricky actually pulled out a few of the really old antique ones and let us play them.  And check this out, I got to play a prototype Taylor acoustic that has not even been released yet!  They had given it to Ricky to test.  Way cool.

This was in a different studio.  This is the Sound Kitchen in Nashville, the largest and most prestigious recording facility in the Southeast.  This whole day was sort of surreal for me.  Here pastor Roberta is praying for the anointing of God and melodies of Heaven to flow before we begin recording.

Here I am actually recording. . . IN THE BIG BOY STUDIO!! (The Sound Kitchen’s largest studio)  I’m telling you this whole day felt like I was in a movie.  I have video of this somewhere.  I’ll have to see if i can dig it up and post in here in the next couple of days.

We had the same producer that has worked with pretty much every big name country artist – i. e. Toby Keith, Willie Nelson (who had just recorded there a few days before), Whitney Houston (ok, not just country), etc and also Christian artists such as Michael W. Smith.  Basically name a major artist and he had worked with them.  I also got to go to this same producers house and record in his “home” studio. (there are pictures of that somewhere.  I need to find them.)  I accidentally left my keys at his house and had like a week long fiasco trying to get them back.  And had the text messages to prove it. lol.  It was so embarrassing having such a high up influential person trying to track me down to return my keys.  He seemed to take it ok tho.  At the Thunder School graduation he gave me a giant bear hug and laughed with me about it. . . we bonded.  lol.

Part of the ceiling at the Sound Kitchen. . . I thought it was pretty.

TS students and Lou Engle.  I have the utmost respect for that man.  One of my heroes in the faith.  I thank God for men like that.  It was such an honor to meet him.

My TS (Thunder School) guy friends.  The two guys whose shoulders I am sitting on are Ryan and Joshua.  My two best friends.  Both awesome men of God.

 My opportunity to preach at The Foundry in Nashville, TN.  Scott Macleod is the pastor.  (And also the founder of TS)  An amazing prophet and apostle of God.

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