Would you pray that their faith won’t fail?

We are so quick to cut off anyone that disagrees with us. Political parties, racism, and theological difference are tearing our nation apart. When someone starts promoting ideals that we disagree with our knee-jerk reaction is to cut them off and hope that everyone else cuts them off. We secretly hope they lose their influence, or fail at their endeavors so that they won’t gain more influence. We take hard lines against people and become arrogant, judgmental, and cold towards those that may potentially need us the most.

Jesus didn’t respond that way. Jesus told Peter, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-34). Jesus knew Peter was about to start acting crazy and that he would even completely deny his Lord multiple times. But did Jesus say, “Oh we better keep our distance from Peter. Satan’s about to take him out. Let’s spread the news how crazy peter is and be sure everyone knows to keep their distance from him.” NO! Jesus said that He prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail, and that once he turned back that we would strengthen his brothers.

How many people in our lives is Satan trying to sift like wheat (meaning separate them from Christ as a farmer separates chaff from wheat), and instead of us praying that their faith won’t fail we instead add our voice to that of the accuser’s to condemn them? I’m not suggesting that we sin with them. Of course not. Maintain your integrity (and proclaim the truth), but don’t forget that part of maintaining your integrity is maintaining your love for your brothers and sisters! Don’t turn everyone against them. Instead, pray that their faith won’t fail. They are probably in their weakest state, in the middle of a battle for their faith fighting deception, manipulation, and who knows what else.

People in that state need our loving strength and care, even if they have been deceived into believing they are at their strongest. Even if they attack you. Even if they try to turn others against you. It is still your duty to love them. You can choose to cast them aside, but Jesus won’t. A flickering wick He won’t snuff out and bruised reed He won’t break.

Political parties, racism, and theological differences are tearing our nation apart. Will we choose to pray that each other’s faith won’t fail, or will we help stomp each other out?

Living to touch God’s heart,
Chris Ulery

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