The Silent Siege “The Mercy Seat” and Reign Down USA

This year the Bound 4 Life Silent Siege called “The Mercy Seat”, and the prayer and repentance movement called “Reign Down USA” took place in every state in the nation on the day of Passover. 4-26-08.

“The Mercy Seat” took place at every State Supreme Court across the nation coinciding with Passover as Christians gathered together to cry out to the Courts of Heaven and ask for mercy from God for the shedding of the innocent blood of 50 million babies through abortion. We gathered in front of the Supreme Courts in order to apply the blood of the Passover Lamb (Jesus) to the door posts of our national guilt. We did this by standing in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system pleading the blood of Jesus. So that God’s judgment may “pass over” us. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it.” (Ez 22:30)I was able to participate with the central Arkansas B4L chapter. It was awesome to be around other people that care about God’s heart (and this nation) and are willing to do something about it. We prayed individually, prayed corporately, took communion together, and shared with each other the different things God had communicated with us about the issue of abortion and how God was now moving in the land. We also talked about and prayed about ways to be better representatives of Christ to the world around us, and issues we need to work on as Christians were we have failed miserably. It was awesome and i was grateful to be a part of a company of believers so passionately pursuing God’s heart. I would guess there was around 50-60 people there. I wish I had pictures but i didn’t bring a camera.

However, i do have pictures of the Reign Down USA event that happened later that night. Reign Down was simply a gathering where we gathered in front of the State Capitol building in order to repent of our individual sins as well as the sins of our nation. And to cry out for revival in our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.I was privileged to get to be a part of helping host this as Youth Pastors Jamie and Sarah Hoofman spear headed the event. Every state venue was to pipe in the live feed from God TV where the main event was taking place and leading the rest of the nation in prayer in order that the entire nation could be unified in our prayer and repentance. There is power in unity. Around 40 people from 4 different churches showed up, which was not bad since there was pretty much no advertising at all and the venue was only confirmed 5 days before the event. We prayed, we danced, we got on our faces to repent, we worshipped, we celebrated, and passionately cried out for God to send revival to our land. It was a wonderful and amazing time. You can view some of the pictures below.


This was not everyone.  Some people had already left before i had the chance to gather everyone for a photo. But this was some of the group that attended.

Some of us watching the live feed.

Us repenting and standing in the gap for the nation.

Worshipping at the Capitol.

More Worship.

This was the humble setup we came up with the day before the event to bring in the live God TV feed.  There is a Dish Network satellite sitting out of the frame.  We had never tested it before we actually used it.  Thank the Lord it worked!  And thanks to event coordinator at the Capitol that let us use their power!

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One thought on “The Silent Siege “The Mercy Seat” and Reign Down USA

  1. Hi Chris, I was researching for an article in the news paper I was writing and seached abortion for some New Zealand statistics and read your Texas facility blog comment. I then skipped to your first blog in 2008 to see photo’s on the steps of the USA Justice House the Supreme Court.

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    Regards R Young

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