The revolution has begun. It’s decision time.

I have been greatly encouraged lately. Isaiah 59:19 says “. . . When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” And while the world and secular culture has been heading steadily down hill into more and more filth; and even the “church” (< notice the quotation marks) had been falling into more compromise I have in the midst of that seen the “standard’ talked about in verse 19 begin to arise and gain influence. There has been talk of revolution for a long time now and it is finally beginning to take shape and manifest itself in tangible ways. The enemy came in like a flood to attack the body of Christ but the Lord is raising His standard. Men and women of honor and conviction are becoming more common place now than ever before. Peoples hearts are being stirred and awakened to this crucial hour and are beginning to realize and understand the great destiny and purpose on their life for this critical moment in history. The “American dream” has become boring. (Which is good) Missions organizations have documented an all time high in the number of student volunteers. This generation is SEARCHING for a way to sell out their lives for a higher purpose. Even just in the past couple of weeks I have come across several notes from you guys posted here on facebook all about purity and intimacy with Jesus! And there have been new prophecies coming out nearly every day about this. I have recently been coming across more and more young men and women that have completely abandoned their own desires and plans in order to give themselves fully to the purposes of God. Abandoning every form of success that the world would give them just for the sole purpose of discovering a deeper relationship with Jesus and making His dreams a reality. The history books will remember them.

Organizations like TheCall, Reign Down USA, IHOP, The Ramp, Battle Cry and Pure Life Revolution (and there are many, many more besides those) are helping to facilitate and unify this movement of radical, hungry history makers. Those organizations are acting as spiritual fathers and mothers, providing covering and direction for this rising passionate generation. Already there are artists and musicians that are gaining influence that stand for purity and holiness as it relates to intimacy with Christ. Every time I turn on the radio I am hearing a song about flooding or invading cities, or songs about destiny and setting the world on fire. And artists like Phil Wickham writing anthems for our generation like “After Your Heart” and “Divine Romance.” And this isn’t just me promoting my favorite artists. It’s evident when you listen to the music that a shift is taking place. It started subtle but is becoming more and more obvious. The Lord is stirring hearts and normal just isn’t good enough anymore. Ministries like The Ramp and TheCall are now getting airtime on national networks like Daystar and Inspiration during prime time. And trust me, I used to work for a Christian network, unfortunately there was a time when the networks wouldn’t have carried that type of programming (except for God TV) because it was to “different.” Just the fact that ministries like that are getting airtime are evidences that a shift is happening. I have repeatedly seen spots and packages on the national news of even the political scene taking notice of this rising movement. Once I even saw a thirty minute special on the Bound4Life movement that aired on the Discovery channel. Well, they didn’t actually say “Bound4Life” in the special, but a lot of the imagery was from the Bound4life movement. And it was about this “new upcoming generation” and the way they think and believe.

Ministries everywhere are embracing the call from God to come back to holiness and live lives of purity. Now terms like “Nazarite Uprising” and “Purity Revolution” have become common place. And masses are beginning to identify themselves as these radical pursuers of God. The whole mindset has become “How radical can we be? How deep can we go?” Something in us is crying out for more than just a surface and shallow “good ole boy” existence. We’ve been bred for war, born for glory. (God’s, not our own) 24/7 prayer houses are springing up all across the world and are mostly fueled by young people. (well, they’re fueled by God, but you know what I mean) That definitely wasn’t common a few years ago, and who would’ve thought that there would ever be a “You know you’re a Nazarite when. . .” facebook group? Times have changed, and the time of powerless religion is over. People have lost interest in the powerless man made religion based on traditions. And rightly so, Christianity was never meant to look like that. So while the interest is gone in man made traditions pockets of true Christianity have broken out all across the nation (and world) and are now beginning to take over.

Before this past year of my life I had seen very few miracles, but starting around July of 2007 I have seen so many that I have lost count. I have personally seen fractured bones instantly healed, deaf ears opened, stage 4 cervical cancer instantly healed (confirmed by a doctor about a week later), spine damage restricting head movement instantly healed, literally hundreds of hearing issues instantly healed, I was even standing just a few feet from a girl when her leg grew out about an inch to meet the length of her other leg while she was prayed for. And while in a ministry school that I just recently graduated from (Thunder School Nashville) the students would go out to minister on the streets to the poor and homeless or just anyone on the streets. The students saw people that couldn’t walk get out of wheel chairs, men with canes throw them down because they didn’t need them to walk any more, and one student (one of my best friends named Joshua) had gone to pizza hut for lunch and started talking to a homeless guy that had been born blind in his left eye and was going blind in his right eye when the spirit of the Lord came on Joshua and he began to prophecy over the man and commanded his eyes to be healed. And they were!! A man born blind got his sight back while sitting on a bench outside of Pizza Hut! We would pray for people any where. On the streets, in restaurants, we even prayed for a lady while shopping in Walgreens (and drew a crowd doing it.) A couple of my friends would purposely drive to Hospital ER rooms and to clinics JUST SO THEY COULD FIND SICK PEOPLE TO PRAY FOR! How could anyone not believe that a revolution is taking place? I just read that a man in Florida was raised from the dead in a hospital ER room when a Christian doctor prayed for him. This isn’t a foreign country I’m talking about here, this stuff is happening right here in our very own hometowns!

So why am I telling you about all this? What’s the point? The point is I believe that we are at the point in time right now where God is desiring and enabling the greatest harvest this world has ever known to take place. The revolution has begun and it’s decision time. It’s time to quit playing games with God and get serious. God has been dealing with all of us about issues in our life that need dealing with and some of us He’s been dealing with for a very long time. Well its time to make the decision now. No more putting it off. Its either do or don’t. I believe that right now God is forming the ranks for His end times army and that during this season He is pouring out power, authority, and influence to those that have chosen to fully follow Him. The decisions you make during this time will determine the amount of power, authority, and influence you receive to enable you to reap the harvest. The march is starting. It’s time to get rid of the secret sins. James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. . .” (For this reason we are starting a prayer board in the group so you can post your prayer requests so that we all can pray for each other) I’m not saying that you have to be perfect tomorrow. I know and understand that some of the addictions you may have dealt with may have taken years to get steeped into and that it may be a journey to get out of. I’ve been there. BUT, you can start that journey with the Lord to your freedom and victory today. And that’s all I’m asking and encouraging. However, don’t underestimate Jesus either. He is more than capable of setting you free instantly. I’ve been there too. And I’m sure that will be the case with many of you as well. And if you’ve already made your decision for the Lord than hold fast. Revelation 2:25-26, “Only hold on to what you have until I come. To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—”

One last thing. On this quest for purity (because there is power in purity) it is important to remember that purity isn’t the goal. JESUS is the goal. It is actually a quest for Jesus. True purity can only be birthed out of passionate love. So in my opinion the purity revolution would be more apply named the love revolution. Love is the most powerful force in existence. God is love. And true love for Jesus is the only motivator powerful enough to free you from your addictions. And it is only by His grace that He enables us to love Him in the first place. No amount of will power, stubbornness, or desire to be “good” will ever succeed at setting you free. Only love can set you free. It’s all about love. We fight for love, we live for love, and we were created for love. God is love. To destroy God’s loneliness I believe was the original and ultimate plan for man kind. We were created because God wanted someone to love and someone to love Him. We must always remember that. We weren’t made just so we could be “good” we were made to destroy God’s loneliness. So in the words of Phil Wickham “Lets be the revolution that lives for holding nothing back. We’re after your heart.”

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2 thoughts on “The revolution has begun. It’s decision time.

  1. My little brother had his eye nearly gouged out around a month ago. He goes for a retinal reattachment soon. Please pray for the healing of his eye.

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