Parable of the talents. Use your voice to receive promotion.

“In a surprise move after hours of tumultuous negotiations, the House Rules Committee, very early Saturday morning, approved rules for debate on the pro-abortion health care bill. Although it appeared Speaker Nancy Pelosi would deny one, it allows a vote on an amendment to remove abortion funding.

Pelosi’s hand appeared to have been forced when pro-abortion House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced earlier in the day that she did not have enough votes to pass the bill because of objections from pro-life Democrats.

The committee okayed a Rule that allows the House to vote on the Stupak amendment, offered by pro-life Rep. Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, to the health care reform legislation.”

Read the full article here –

Hey everyone,
As you can see from above there is now going to be a vote on the Stupak-pitts amendment. An amendment that will actually stop abortion funding in the health care bill. It is important you call your member of the house and ask him/her for a “yes” vote on the Stupak amendment. You can find out who your representatives are by going here – Just type in your zip code and it will give you their numbers.

I just called mine today. I actually tried calling my representative and my senators this morning at both their local and Washington offices. When I first tried 5 of the mailboxes were full and the sixth one wouldn’t go through. I tried again this afternoon and finally got through to my representative at his Washington office. If you’re nervous about calling and have never done anything like that before, or maybe you don’t really understand all the political talk DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU FROM CALLING!! It’s really easy, I’ll explain everything you need to know. It’s your representative’s job to represent you before congress!! How can they represent you if they don’t know what your opinions are? All you do is this – after you call the number you’ll get a message telling you that you’ve reached so in so’s office. The message will ask you to leave your name and number and a message. When it beeps just leave a message saying, “I would like to ask representative __________ to vote “yes” on the Stupak-pitts amendment, and that they would use the full weight of their influence and position to ensure that federal dollars are NEVER used to fund abortions.” OR whatever you want to say. If a live person answers they’ll say, “__________’s office how can I help you?” And just tell them that you want to leave a message for your representative requesting a yes vote on the Stupak amendment, and that they would do everything in their power to protect the sanctity of life and keep abortion funding out of the health care bill. And then they’ll tell you thank you for calling and let you know that they’ll pass the message along.

That’s it. Simple as calling your best friend and leaving a message. No debating, no complicated questions, just leaving a message. Super simple. No reason every single one of you can’t call. And you pronounce Stupak “Stew pack” in case you were worried about that. Lol. Cuz I know some of you probably were, cuz I was. I didn’t want to sound like an ignorant kid that didn’t know how to pronounce the man’s name. And if you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them.

Also, I have to vent for a minute and say that it REALLY bothers me when people my age, young adults (I‘m 23), ignore events like this and just assume the older generation will deal with it. 1 Timothy 4:12 says “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” We’re supposed to be LEADING this fight! Don’t just tune out every time you hear something political. Be involved in your world. God gave you a voice! Don’t squander that gift by refusing to use it for His glory! Don’t you remember the parable of the talents? Matthew 25:29 “For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.“ God is a VERY wise investor, and those who yield a high return and use the “talents” that he has given them He will give more too. If you use your voice and influence for Him than He will be sure to give you more influence and a more impactful voice. People have said to me, “but really, what difference is my one phone call going to make?” But I say to that Matthew 25:21 “He who is faithful with little will be faithful with much.” If you will use your voice even when you think it’s unimportant and won’t make a difference, than God will bring you to a place where your voice does make a difference. When He sees that you will be faithful with what you currently have He will give you more. Every person really does count and make a difference.

And even if the bill still passes with abortion funding in it at least we will know that the blood of the innocent is not on our hands. That we did everything in our power to stop it, that we raised our voices in opposition. That we refused to let those babies die without a fight. I would rather fail while daring greatly than join those with “cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory or defeat.”

“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly…who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory or defeat.”
-Teddy Roosevelt

Which group will you be in? The critic or the one in the arena?

Living to touch God’s heart
Chris Ulery

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