I need a hero.

I’m a huge Lord Of The Rings fan. Including the “Silmarillion” and “The Hobbit.” I own the collectors extended edition of all the movies, own all the books (and have read them multiple times), as well as owning other LOTR memorabilia. I even purchased a replica of the Sword of Elindel that was used in the movie. (Aragorn’s sword) But I don’t like the story of the LOTR trilogy simply because it was a well written entertaining novel. I like and relate to the story because it is actually a more accurate glimpse into reality than this tangible reality that we live in every day that seeks to lull us asleep. I know that LOTR is classified as fantasy, but I would describe it as the ultimate reality.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of every day life. School, work, shopping, social life, etc. But there is so much more to life than Monday – Friday 9 to 5 and getting a paycheck. The truth is you were born into a battle, a battle over the eternal fate of every living soul. Your story here on earth has a beginning and an end, and it will be remembered for eternity. There are no second chances, no redo’s – just the story of what you chose to do with your time on earth. For good or for evil. For God or for self. And what you choose to do with your brief years here on earth will determine your placement upon entering eternity. And I don’t just mean Heaven or Hell, but that most certainly included.

I love to watch movies and read books like LOTR that remind and hint at the glory and splendor that man was created for. It is not vanity or pride to desire that. In fact we should desire that. It’s what we were created for. We were created in the image of God and are called “kings and priests” that will “rule WITH Him.” Don’t get me wrong, not OUR glory, for all glory belongs to God alone. However, I have heard it said that the glory of God is man fully alive. I don’t know that I fully agree with that, but I would agree that man fully alive brings God glory. And the nobility, valiancy, honor and splendor that is illustrated by the stories of the kings of old is how God originally intended man to be. It is appropriate to desire it. The simple minded, shallow, apathetic, “responsible”, unadventurous, boring, vain, and selfish image of man that is so often presented as the “norm” in today’s society is a perversion of what man was intended to be. . . . But there is hope.

We have to begin to believe in the bigger picture, to believe that heroes really do exist and that bravery and adventure aren’t just for the movies. We have to begin to understand that the peril and urgency of the moment is even greater than a movie like LOTR can portray. Every single one of us was created with a divine purpose that it is imperative that we discover and fulfill. As a Christ follower It is NOT YOURS to DECIDE what to do with your future, but it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to DISCOVER what you were created for. Only in that will you ever truly find fulfillment.

It is possible for even one person to change the course of history. Do you believe that? If not than you have already lost the battle. That’s what satan wants you to believe. You, even alone, have the ability to make a difference. You MUST believe that. I could name a long list right now of lone men/women that changed the world. . . and you have the power to become one of them. When the earth as we know it has come to an end and all that remains of it are the stories of how we lived our lives, what will your story be? Will it be characterized by selfishness and vain ambition, apathy and disinterest, or will you rise to the occasion and allow the world to see what God can do with even one man or woman fully devoted to Him.

The signs of the times are obvious. I think that soon we will be entering a time when there will be a great need for heroes. Valiant men and women willing to stand against the greatest darkness of our time and raise up a standard against it. Already millions of potentially unborn lives are calling out pleading for someone to fight for them. Already untold thousands of young ladies are trafficked for sex all the while praying in the deep watches of the night that God would send someone to save them. Already there are starving and abandoned children all across the globe desperate to be loved and cared for. And already there are billions of lost and broken souls on a one way path to an eternity in Hell. Already the need is great and it is still growing. Once we’ve reached the end of all things and have entered into our eternity, what will history say of what YOU chose to do against such darkness? Make your story one worthy of eternity. I cannot stress enough the urgency of the hour. You MUST find your place. There is no time to waste.

I’m sending out a call, to every man and woman that NOW is the time for action. We must make straight the path for the Lord, beginning with our own lives. I believe that a great wave is coming. And that only those that have prepared their lives will be able to ride it. All others will be crushed by it. I’m not trying to be a fearmonger but simply trying to express that NOW is the time to get your life in order. There are some reading this that the Lord has been dealing with you to cut off certain relationships. You need to do that sooner rather than later. Others have just been playing games – sleeping around, getting drunk, partying. That has to stop. Confess the secret sins, quit pretending. Destroy the double life. The wages of sin is death and it will destroy you if you don’t repent. God has an infinitely better and more fulfilling plan for you full of purpose.

All of us need to take stock of our lives and begin to work at getting every part of it lined up in accordance to the word of God. “He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.”- Matthew 21:44 You cannot have this world and God. “But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” – Joshua 24:15 This world has nothing for you. God will use those that forsake all and follow Him in a way greater than they could have ever dreamed or imagined. He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Those that do answer the call should prepare to be promoted.

The adventure begins today. The peril, battles, adventure, heroism, and urgency taken from the scenes of LOTR is actually a more accurate description of life than the time clock at your work. Don’t forget that. I used to wish that I could just jump into the T.V. and become a part of the movie until one day when I realized that I was already living in an epic adventure. And that the importance of my quest was actually greater than Frodo’s or Aragorn’s and that my life carried just as much purpose. You were born for such a time as this. “For if you remain silent at this time. . . you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

I implore you to discover what it was you were created for, and then to throw yourself wholeheartedly into accomplishing your purpose. “Put aside the ranger, become who you were born to be.” This world needs passionate people, and the Lord is looking for His heroes. You now have permission to become one of them.

“Storm the gates ye proud and strong, are we not invincible?”

Living to touch God’s heart,
Chris Ulery

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One thought on “I need a hero.

  1. Wow! That has been in the beating of John and my heart for a long time. We watch movies like Chronicles of Narnia and LOTR all the time. The other movies just seem so… empty. We have been longing. I’ve tried to surpress the eagerness in John because I don’t want us to “get ahead of ourselves” but as I read what you wrote – I see that what I should really do is realease him to throw himself into his destiny. His heart is longing and so is mine. What is my purpose? It seems to be a question I ask constantly. I sense we are on the brink of our destiny… and yet it is not what I thought it would be… But isn’t that just like God?

    Personally, God has been calling me out of my complacency and into a deep love relationship with him. He’s calling out to me as His lover. I’ve been writing a lot more lately. A lot about Him being my lover. I wrote only yesterday a poem, “Unlock my Heart.” My heart has been stirred. My areas of weakness are no longer in “eagerness for lustful pleasure” but now they seem to be in TRUSTING God with my finances and with His plans as opposed to my own. (Trust me, I am infinitely happy that I have such freedoms now!)

    An adventure is surely brewing… and I don’t want to miss the call!

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