My night with Under the Red!

Last week I had the honor of being able to fill in as the lead guitar player for three of the members of the former rock group “Under the Red.” A couple of months ago they chose to lay down “Under the Red” in order to pursue Praise and Worship. They now seek to have deeply impacting and life changing encounters with the audiences they play for. During the set that I played for them their was a time when all of us band members just went to our knees as the congregation began to chant “I love you forever” to Jesus. None of us played during that time. We just knelt in Worship to God as the congregation continued to sing acapella for probably five minutes. It was a very special moment. I was so glad I was able to be a part of that night. It was a B1 National Day of Prayer Event that was hosted by Agape Church. There was also a section of the night were students cycled through coming up to the mic to pray for their nation, schools, and friends. It was awesome. Below is some of the footage from the night. I’m the one in the green shirt with the black guitar.
That same night the band got invited to play at the 2008 Deep Water Event happening at Wild River Country. They invited me to come along with them to that event as well, except this time as the drummer since their drummer will have to be in a different state attending a wedding. Sooo, I will get to go with them to that as well and Day of Fire will be headlining. I got to play as the drummer for the B1 band at last years Deep Water event and we saw 40 people give their lives to Jesus. It was awesome. Some of that footage is below.



EDIT: These videos have been moved from youtube to Godtube.  To view them please go to

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